Sunday, October 14, 2007

Black Beat

Okay, so I suck at consistent blogging; I'm working on it :)

Last night we went to the GWNN munch / election voting at a local restaurant. I've never seen it so packed; the few non-GWNN people there looked out of place.

I talked with J and friend; always a pleasure, and looking forward to the next conversation. Afterwards the family went to the Black Beat party.

It was our family's first Black Beat party. First off, kudos to Obsidian and namaste' for hosting a great party. The house was both tasteful and professionally laid out, and the combination of the house and hosts created an intimate and inviting space. Looking forward to the next party.

This was the first time I publicly scened with my family. I scened with mitda, while M and emmie scened, then M and mitda scened while emmie and I watched (and zoned). I love watching my family play and get into each other, and I love domming mitda. The only downside was not having a sub of my own. I felt like I was at a party where I was the only single person there; none of your friends ignore you or snub you in any way, but you feel kinda 'left out' all the same.

Interestingly, that night I had a dream that I was in our bedroom with my family , domming a former employee of mine from SF. It felt very right, and the 'left out' feeling that I had fallen asleep with was gone when I woke up.

Our class this week had a visiting psychoanalyst talk to us about her practice; I wonder what she would make of that dream!

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